I have moved this blog. I renamed the blog "the Homeschool House" and we have moved to our own domain. To visit us just click the icon below.

September 23, 2008

What I love About You

I read something that said "Don't just tell your children that you love them, tell them what you love about them."

Juliet~ I love your kind eyes, gentle touch, wild hair, strong spirit, the way you read out loud, goofy dance, love for God, and your passion for adventure.

Evan~ I love your smile, silly jokes, hugs, Eskimo kisses at bedtime, apples at bedtime, stinky feet, mater face, and gentle heart.

I love everything about you both and you could never do anything to make me love you any more than I already do right now.

September 20, 2008

My Best Friend

You are precious to me. Everyday with you is a blessing, sometimes I just don't know it!

Your friendship has saved me. I prayed for you since I was a small girl.

In every way I want you to know that I love you just the way you are...as imperfect as that may be sometimes (he,he).

Your something else, daddy!