First, we printed out this Christmas tree advent calendar. Each day we add a new number to count down the days. We have this posted on our fridge. You can print out this same calendar here.
Next, I made up some really fun things for our family to do together each day until Christmas. I printed each activity on a note sheet, folded it in half and wrote the day on it. I used clothes pins and a string and hung the notes on our tree. Each morning when we wake up we will open up our activity and see what is planned for that evening.
Here is my entire advent calendar:
Countdown till Christmas...Starting at 24 days until Christmas (Dec. 1st)
day24: Put a puzzle together
day 23: paint a Christmas ornament
day 22: pick a family member and write down all the things you love about them. Then, read it to them.
day 21: string popcorn and cranberries to put on tree
day 20: Family Bible reading. Let's read about the birth of Jesus
day 19: go and see "The Nutcracker" ballet at our community college
day 18: go to Denny's or steak N' shake and have a late night dessert
day 17: write a letter to Santa
day 16: have hot chocolate and listen to Christmas music. Dance around and be silly.
day 15: Tonight is board game night. Play at least two different board games.
day 14: Find a homeless person today and give them $20 with a Christmas note attached.
day 13: Go to light up UCF. Take a friend or another family member with us.
day 12: Tonight is mall night. Walk around the mall and have a dessert.
day 11: Go to the store and buy a present to donate to charity
day 10: Today is Nanny's birthday. Let's take her out to lunch to the restaurant of her choice.
day 9: Tonight we will rent two Christmas movies and pop popcorn
day 8: bake cookies and make a Christmas card to take to our neighbors
day 7: read a Christmas story together while snuggled up in bed tonight with daddy
day 6:Tonight we will go to our church Bethlehem walk through exhibit
day 5: pick up Nanny and go for a drive looking at Christmas lights
day 4: go to the dollar movies tonight. everyone must agree on the movie.
day 3: Let's go to Tonya's house and take her family the gift basket we made for them.
day 2: tonight we will watch "The Nativity Story"
day 1: go to Nanny's house and open one Christmas present
Christmas Day!!!
We start tomorrow and we are all excited.
If you have made an advent calendar, leave me a link so I can check yours out.
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