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January 2, 2009

One year bible blog: January 2, 2009

January 2,2009 reading

Genesis 3:1-4:26 ~ Matthew 2:13-3:6 ~ Psalm 2:1-12 ~ Proverbs 1:7-9

I really enjoy reading the commentary at bible.org that is given for each daily bible reading. I use it as a bible study and I really get a lot from it. Today what spoke to me the most from my reading was how sneaky the serpent was in the garden of Eden. He simply questions what God had told Eve. He just makes her think about disobedience, and what pleasure she might attain from disobeying.

It really makes me ask myself if there is an area of my life where I am disobeying God. I think sometimes we are afraid to surrender certain sins to God because we enjoy the pleasure we get from them too much, and we really don't think that God is really that worried about them. This could be something as simple as a certain tv show that we watch that we know isn't glorifying to God, but when we feel conviction, we simply say "That's not a big deal" until we aren't convicted anymore. I believe that we should surrender things as soon as we are convicted of them being wrong. When we don't do this we allow satan to tell us all the reasons why that "sin" isn't really a sin. And pretty soon, we have justified our disobenience. Just like with Eve, satan wants us to disobey God without realizing that we are disobeying. He wants to trick us.

I encourage you today to reevaluate your relationship with the Lord and to search your heart for anything that might be displeasing to Him, and surrender it up. Any pleasure we get from doing something displeasing to God, isn't worth the reward we will receive from obedience.

"If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23

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